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Basic Steps: How To "Sort"

The following steps are for sorting the data located on the Master Spreadsheet™. (For sorting of all updated data "online", please visit the Short Screener™).

To sort all data offline in Excel follow the steps below.

  • You should have the Master Spreadsheet™ downloaded and opened in Excel.
  • Select all of the data. You can do this by clicking on the very top left box - the one without any data in it. This is an easy way to select all of the data cells on the page with one click.
  • Next, select "Data" then "Sort" from the menu bar - the sort window will open.
  • Verify that "header row" is selected here.
  • In this Sort window, use the "Sort by" pull down menu option to sort ALL of the market according to the header you choose.

What people are saying

“The possibility of a short squeeze is one reason some analysts look at a high amount of short interest as a bullish indicator. Short Interest is the fuel, performance is the fuse, says”
- USA Today

...short sellers, not financial results, are driving up Air T's share price. More than half the shares were sold short last month, according to”
- Reuters

“...according to Any encouraging news from Martha Stewart Living could lead to a wave of short sellers trying to buy stock and limit their losses, pushing the price higher. ”
- CNBC / MSN Money

A subscription to gives you access to a spreadsheet packed with data... interesting and useful...”
- Barron's