Historical data for stocks traded on:

    Pink Sheets®

2 years of rolling historical short interest data is compiled and made available for powerful perspective and research. Easily custom sort this powerful collection of data to find the most powerful - long and short - trading opportunities in the market.

Additional historical short interest data is also available for powerful historical research.

Wednesday October 23, 2024

Historical Short Interest Data

Terms of Use
The information provided is for the personal use of MEMBERS ONLY. Distribution of the data in any form, to any non-member is a violation of the terms and conditions, and is a strict violation of US copyright laws.

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Data Updates
The Master Spreadsheet™ above is updated and available for member download by 7:00 PT - after every trading day close. Please click to view the short interest schedule.

How To "Sort" Downloaded Data
For details of how to "Sort" data on the Master Spreadsheet™, please click here: .

Note: The format and content of the files listed may change from month to month due to stock delistings, new market issues, additions or changes to data provided, layout changes, the timeliness of company reporting or otherwise.

In The News

“The possibility of a short squeeze is one reason some analysts look at a high amount of short interest as a bullish indicator. Short Interest is the fuel, performance is the fuse, says ShortSqueeze.com”
- USA Today

...short sellers, not financial results, are driving up Air T's share price. More than half the shares were sold short last month, according to ShortSqueeze.com”
- Reuters

“...according to ShortSqueeze.com. Any encouraging news from Martha Stewart Living could lead to a wave of short sellers trying to buy stock and limit their losses, pushing the price higher. ”
- CNBC / MSN Money

A subscription to ShortSqueeze.com gives you access to a spreadsheet packed with data... interesting and useful...”
- Barron's